County Commissioners

Commissioners Terry Stoffel, Rob Miller and Tom Wall

The Huntington County Board of Commissioners (left to right):

Terry Stoffel, Rob Miller and Tom Wall

The Board of County Commissioners is the chief legislative body in Huntington County. The Commissioners meet every other Monday at 8:30 a.m. in Room 103A of the Huntington County Courthouse. Meeting dates are subject to change due to scheduled holidays or other scheduling conflicts.

The three County Commissioners are elected to four-year terms by the voters of Huntington County and represent the geographical district in which they reside.

Among their roles and responsibilities, the Commissioners maintain County roads and highways, set policies and procedures for County employees, support economic growth and development, and establish governmental policies to ensure the health, safety and welfare of Huntington County residents.

Commissioner District Map

 District 1: Rob Miller 

 District 2: Terry Stoffel
Vice President

 District 3: Tom Wall


Public Meeting Center