Circuit Court
Welcome to the Huntington Circuit Court page
The Honorable Davin G. Smith is the presiding judge.
Interested in viewing public case information? Visit: Case Search - MyCase (
Are you an unrepresented party of a case and trying to find information on free or reduced-cost legal advice from licensed attorneys? We have resources listed here.
Need to file a document or get information to the court? Our court is a court of record which means the court is required to keep a record of all of its proceedings. Therefore, all communication to the court must be done in written format. If you are choosing to forego representation by counsel, you can find many suggested forms available here.
If you DO choose to proceed in a case without counsel representing you (pro se), you will be held to the same standards as attorneys are held. This means you have obligations including but not limited to ensuring proper service of any documents you file reach the other party/parties and to provide proof of the service to the court. Learn more about your pro se responsibilities here.
Have a question you think Court Staff may be able to answer? Read this before calling.
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Upcoming Events
- City & County Offices Closed - New Year's Day01/01/25 All Day
- City & County Offices Closed - MLK Jr. Day01/20/25 All Day
- City & County Offices Closed - Good Friday04/18/25 All Day
- City & County Offices Closed - Memorial Day05/26/25 All Day
- City & County Offices Closed - Independence Day07/04/25 All Day
Contact Us
- Phone: (260) 358-4814
- Fax:
(260) 358-4813 - Staff Directory
- Hours: 8 a.m. to Noon
1 to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday