Handgun Regulations back  
Date of Record: February 23, 2009

Legal Issues

An Indiana License to carry a handgun can be either "Qualified", or "Unlimited". A qualified license is issued for hunting and target practice, and is called a Hunting & Target permit. An Unlimited license is issued for the purpose of the protection of life and property, and is called a Personal Protection permit.

Both of these permits are essentially the same in that they allow the licensee to carry a handgun on his/her person or in a vehicle. The difference is in when the handgun can be carried. A Hunting & Target permit only allows the licensee to carry the handgun while going to or returning from hunting or target shooting activities. The Personal Protection permit allows you to carry the handgun on a 24 hour basis, 7 days a week.

The holder of either of these licenses may carry the handgun loaded or unloaded. The handgun may be carried on the person concealed or unconcealed and in the permit holders vehicle. However, common sense must prevail in all situations. We would strongly recommend that you carry the handgun in a manner that conceals it from casual view. The sight of a handgun can cause people to panic in certain situations. This could result in a dangerous confrontation with police, and subsequent revocation of your permit.

If the handgun is to be carried on the person, it should be carried in a holster that is designed for the specific model of handgun in use.  If carried in a motor vehicle, it should be kept somewhere secure, so that it remains out of sight.

You also need to know that there are certain situations where you may not carry a handgun, and many more where you should not. It is a violation of Indiana law to be on school property with any firearm unless you are a law enforcement officer or security person hired by the school. (It would be permissible to transport someone to or from school while having a handgun in your vehicle. provided you had a valid Personal Protection permit. You may have a problem if you had only a Hunting & Target permit). Any property owner has the right to deny anyone access, and this could certainly be the case for persons carrying handguns. You should therefore, be aware that you may be in violation of laws when entering certain businesses. You should also keep in mind that carrying a handgun can, at times, be more of a liability than an asset. For example, you may want to think twice about carrying your handgun in situations where you may become intoxicated. Lastly keep in mind that your permit is issued by the State of Indiana. It will be honored in some states, but not in most. If you are traveling out-of-state, make sure you check with the jurisdictions you will enter or leave the handgun at home.

The laws for the State of Indiana pertaining to handguns and licenses to carry can be found in the Indiana Code. A copy of the code can be found in any public library in Indiana. These laws will be found in IC 35~47-2. which is Indiana Code, Title 35, Article 47, Chapter 2.