- Subdivision Plat Committee

The Subdivision Plat Committee is a subcommittee of the Plan Commission responsible for reviewing subdivision plats in accordance with IC 36-7-4-700 series and the Subdivision Code. The Committee meets twice monthly to review and approve Subdivision Plat applications submitted to the Department.

Subdivision Plat review is intended to evaluate proposed subdivisions of land in conjunction with the standards established in the Subdivision Code. Standards such as lot area, width, and length to depth ratio; block length; street width, alley width, cul-de-sac length and turning radius; provisions to include utilities and appropriate easements for utilities; provisions for pedestrian access; survey monumentation and markers; subdivision naming; and street naming and lots and addresses are verified in the subdivision approval process.

Subdivision approval is required for the movement of any property line, the creation of any new lot/parcel, amending plats or vacating plats.

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