Ordinance Enforcement

Please call the Huntington Police Dispatch at (260) 356-7110 to report any ordinance violations within the City of Huntington.

To report an ordinance or an abandoned vehicle complaint, the following information is needed to help assist the ordinance officer:
  1. A street address.
  2. Description of the violation.
  3. Description of the vehicle along with license plate if applicable.
  4. Location of the vehicle.

General ordinance guidelines for the City of Huntington: 
  • Notification process on grass and rank vegetation: If a notice of violation is issued then the registered property owner has (5) days to correct the listed violation. After (5) days the property is re-inspected for compliance (and if not corrected) a citation notice is issued to the registered property owner who is fined $25.00. The property is then turned over to the contracted mowing service for clean-up.

  • Notification process on nuisance violation: If a notice of violation is issued then the registered property owner has (10) days to correct the listed violation. After (10) days the property is re-inspected for compliance (and if not corrected) a citation notice is issued to the registered property owner who is fined $25.00. The property is then turned over to the Street Department for clean-up.

  • Vehicle red tag-nuisance guidelines on all vehicles within the Huntington City Limits: 
    • On public property: Any vehicles in the city that park on public property must be moved within 72 hours of the notice. Other criteria for which a vehicle that is parked on public property can be red tagged are as follows: the vehicle has to be registered (plated), insured and mechanically operable.

    • On private property: The vehicle must be mechanically operable, covered by a car cover (not a tarp) or moved to to an allocation not visible from public property, or moved out of the city limits.

    • All vehicles that do not follow these guidelines will be towed from their locations by the Ordinance Department.