Learn About Current Projects
Updated February 5, 2025
Public Works & Engineering Services
City Engineering serves Huntington by leading the way on projects that are important to our community's future and improve residents' quality of life. Below, find the latest information about significant projects that are in various stages of completion, planning and development.
The LTCP is a federally mandated project to separate Huntington's century-old combined sewer system (stormwater and wastewater in the same pipe). The system's original design allowed contaminated water to spill into local rivers and streams during heavy rainfall or snowmelt. The construction route along parts of Lafontaine, Tipton and Division streets will also see complete street and sidewalk reconstruction.
LTCP work locations as of February 5, 2025:
- Byron and Tipton Street intersection closure (expected reopening in mid-February).
- Oak and Tipton Street intersection.
- Division and Tipton Street area.
- Market Street west of Cherry Street.
- Jefferson and Market Street intersection (daytime closures expected Monday, February 10 through Wednesday, February 12).
Much of this work involves excavating deep trenches to install new sanitary sewer interceptors. These trenches can be up to 30 feet deep or more. Please keep a safe distance!
For those living along the work route, thank you again for your patience! This necessary work has a once-in-a-generation scope. Translation: There will be headaches and inconveniences along the way.
Unfortunately, project completion dates, road and intersection openings, etc., are difficult to predict. Crews continue working as quickly as possible to excavate through varying amounts of bedrock and limestone. Huntington is the "Lime City," after all. Underground conditions aren't fully known until we dig in a certain area, and heavy limestone can slow progress substantially.
E&B Paving has been awarded a $2,063,660 contract for a complete Division Street reconstruction between Guilford and Canfield streets. (The final segment to First Street will also be rebuilt as part of the LTCP.) Construction is now likely to begin in Spring 2025. INDOT Community Crossings grant funds will pay for a portion of this project.
Riverfork West is under development in partnership with Huntington United Economic Development. Teijin Automotive opened there in 2024 as the new industrial park's first tenant.
Longstanding drainage and stormwater issues will be corrected, alongside of street reconstruction and new sidewalk installation. A groundbreaking ceremony was held on July 23, 2024, and work is underway now.
- West Park Drive Reconstruction
An initial topographic survey will be completed in early 2024 along West Park Drive between Victory Noll Drive and Dimond Street. The survey is part of early planning for the reconstruction of West Park Drive in two phases. Through a $6 million INDOT 80/20 grant, the City is designing roadway reconstruction, drainage and curb/gutter enhancements, and a trail connection to the Forks of the Wabash. Construction is several years off, with the project expected to bid in 2028.
Community Development & Redevelopment
Leveraging a nearly $1 million federal grant, the City of Huntington continues to follow through on a commitment to clean up the approximately 12-acre H.K. Porter industrial site and make plans for its future redevelopment.
City Council adopted the Destination Downtown Master Plan during its meeting on April 30, 2024. The final draft of the plan can be found at www.huntingtondowntownplan.com by clicking "Draft Recommendations" in the Learn More section.
- Little River Streambank Stabilization
A $70,000 DNR Lake and River Enhancement grant will back a 2025 streambank stabilization project for a 750-foot section of the Little River by Erie Heritage Park.
Parks & Recreation
Local skatepark enthusiasts and Hunger Skateparks of Bloomington, Ind., are working with Parks & Recreation to redesign the city's 20-year-old skate park.
Upcoming & Developing Projects
- Huntington City Building Renovations: Spaces formerly occupied by Huntington Fire and Police can be better utilized while overhauling the efficiency of the building’s mechanical systems and preserving its historical character. Major renovations last occurred in 1989.
- Downtown Activation: Building from the Downtown Master Plan, Huntington has an opportunity to make significant ADA and walkability improvements by replacing sidewalks in the downtown business district. Downtown streets are due to be resurfaced, while new recreation and entertainment amenities will be another priority.
- Exploring Possibilities for a Community Swimming Pool: In 2024, engineering students from Rose Hulman University looked at the feasibility of opening a community pool at Drover Park and the expected costs. The city will continue developing potential plans and analyzing likely ongoing maintenance costs.
- Improvements Sunken Gardens and Shakespeare Gardens: Parking and ADA accessibility at Sunken Gardens can be improved, while plans are under consideration to address invasive plant species that may threaten the garden’s rockface. Design and landscaping upgrades at Shakespeare Gardens on the park’s north end could open more possibilities for interactive programming.
- Trail Connections: Master planning has identified the potential to connect the Little River Trail to the Forks of the Wabash. Workers at the Riverfork industrial parks could also benefit from a potential trail connection.
Contact Us
- Phone: (260) 356-1400
- Staff Directory
- Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday