ADA / Title VI (Huntington County)



In accordance with the requirements Title II of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"),  Huntington County will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operations of its programs, services or activities.

Employment: Huntington County does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment practices and complies with all regulations promulgated by the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under title I of the ADA.

Effective Communication: Huntington County will generally, upon request, provide appropriate aids and services leading to effective communication for qualified person with disabilities so that they can participate equally in the Huntington County programs, services, and activities, including qualified sign language interpreters, documents in Braille, and other ways of making information and communications accessible to people who have speech, hearing or vision impairments.

Modifications to Policies and Procedures: Huntington County will make all reasonable modifications to policies and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its programs, services and activities.  For example, individuals with service animals are welcomed in Huntington County offices, even where pets are generally prohibited.

Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service or activity of Huntington County, should contact the ADA Compliance Coordinator as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event.

The ADA does not require Huntington County to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its programs or services, or impose an undue financial or administrative burden.

Questions, concerns, complaints or request for additional information regarding the ADA may be forwarded to Huntington County's designated ADA Coordinator.

Stefanie Barrioz

ADA Coordinator

201 N. Jefferson St, Room 106

Huntington, IN 46750

Phone Number: (260) 355-2329


Days/Hours Available: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Huntington County will not place a surcharge on a particular individual with a disability or any group of individuals with disabilities to cover the cost of providing auxiliary aids/services or reasonable modification of policy.

Animal Control

The Huntington County Animal Control Officer is dispatched through the Huntington County Sheriff's Office. Please call the non-emergency dispatch number at (260) 356-8316. 

Board of Public Works & Safety

The Board of Public Works & Safety is comprised of five members: the mayor, City Council president and three representatives appointed by the mayor. The Board is the chief administrative body of the City and has control of the day-to-day operations of the City's various departments.


The Board of Public Works & Safety meets regularly at 3:30 p.m. on the first and third Mondays of the month. Meetings are open to the public and take place in Council Chambers on the third floor of the City Building, 300 Cherry St.

Helpful Links:

Circuit Court

 Welcome to the Huntington Circuit Court page

The Honorable Davin G. Smith is the presiding judge. 

Interested in viewing public case information? Visit: Case Search - MyCase (

Are you an unrepresented party of a case and trying to find information on free or reduced-cost legal advice from licensed attorneys? We have resources listed here.  

Need to file a document or get information to the court? Our court is a court of record which means the court is required to keep a record of all of its proceedings. Therefore, all communication to the court must be done in written format. If you are choosing to forego representation by counsel, you can find many suggested forms available here.

If you DO choose to proceed in a case without counsel representing you (pro se), you will be held to the same standards as attorneys are held. This means you have obligations including but not limited to ensuring proper service of any documents you file reach the other party/parties and to provide proof of the service to the court. Learn more about your pro se responsibilities here.

Have a question you think Court Staff may be able to answer? Read this before calling.

City-County Home Page

Welcome to the home page of the City of Huntington. Huntington is a great place to live, work and raise a family. Our City team is here to serve you!

Incorporated in 1848, the City of Huntington is celebrating its 175th anniversary throughout 2023!

City Council

 Huntington City Council District Map Adopted July 12, 2022

Mission Statement of the City Council

As a progressive city, we are dedicated to providing an effective government for the citizens of Huntington. Offering excellent customer service while providing sound fiscal management. Balancing economic prosperity with the preservation of our neighborhoods and natural resources.

We recognize our citizens as our most valuable resource. We acknowledge the people who live and work in our city as our greatest assets. Their ethnic, economic, and religious diversity provides the strength that holds our community together.

The City of Huntington, Indiana, is a community of civility and inclusion, where diversity is honored and differences are respected.

City Council Members
City Council is comprised of seven members, five of whom are elected from districts and two who are elected at large. The Council approves all budgeted expenditures by the City and also considers all resolutions and ordinances of the City.


Huntington City Council meets regularly on the second and last Tuesdays of the month at 7 p.m. Meetings are open to the public and take place in Council Chambers on the third floor of the City Building, 300 Cherry St.

Watch Council meetings live online by visiting and searching "City of Huntington, Indiana".

City Home Page

Destination Downtown Master Plan Buttong Water Service Line Inventory Button

City Services

Welcome to Huntington!

The City Services Office delivers effective and efficient services to residents, with the goal of improving quality of life for everyone in Huntington.

City Services is comprised of three important city departments:

  • Parks & Recreation
    • City Parks
    • Bike Routes &  Trails
  • Landfill
    • Hazardous Materials Facility
    • Recycling Drop-Off Locations
  • Streets
    • Trash and Curbside Recycling
    • Orange Sticker Program
    • Yard Waste Management
    • Street Repair
    • Snow Removal
    • Fall Leaf Collection

City Street Department

The Street Department is a professional team dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Huntington through the maintenance and improvement of City streets – the largest single asset owned by the citizens of Huntington. We are committed to providing the highest level of service to the community concerning our city's roadways while providing valuable services including yard waste management,  administration of contracted trash/recycling services, winter snow/ice removal and more.

City Utilities Department

Pay City Utilities Bill

When making an online payment, it may take up to two business days to be reflected on your account.

Photo showing Cherry Street entrance to Water Billing Office

The City Utilities Drop Box & Resource Center has its own entrance on Cherry Street.

Setting Up Your City Utilities Online Account

Please Note:
An online account is optional and enables you to pay your City Utilities bill online, view your usage history and more. City Utilities must have your email address on file BEFORE you can complete registration. Most customers who have previously paid online will already have provided their email address. Call the City Utilities Billing Office at (260) 356-3220 to provide us with a new email address or if you need assistance.
  • Click "Pay City Utilities Bill" button above, then click "Register here".
  • Follow the prompts to create a unique username and password.
  • Avoid this common mistake and make sure to enter your service address EXACTLY as it appears on your bill. (For example: 300 Cherry St - no period/don't spell out "street".)

Need assistance?

Instructional Brochure

Instructional Video

General Information

Our goal at the City Utilities Department is to provide fast, accurate and courteous service to all of our customers. Specific services provided by the department include the following:
  • New service connections, transfers or termination of water and sewer. City Utilities will automatically establish Trash & Recycling services for new residential customers.
    • Trash & Recycling collection schedules can be found here.
    • Questions about your existing Trash or Recycling service? Please call City Services at (260) 356-4720.
  • Meter repair or replacement.
  • Investigations of water service problems.
  • Water Main repair and maintenance.
  • Fire Hydrant repair, replacement and installation.
  • Meter reading.
  • Monthly and annual water quality reporting.
For new service connections, a permit is required and may be obtained in the Engineer's office between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. To see the fees for permits please visit the Engineer's page on this website or see City ordinances via the Clerk's page. Ordinance Chapter 50: Water Service.

Key Contacts
  • Billing Inquiries: (260) 356-3220
  • Billing Office Fax: (260) 356-0344
  • Water Plant Operations: (260) 358-2309


  • Operations & Distribution: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday
  • Water Billing Office: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday

Emergency Contact

For emergencies regarding your utility service outside of regular business hours, please call (260) 227-1513 on:

  • Weekends.
  • Holidays.
  • Weekdays before 7 a.m. or after 3 p.m.

Quick Links


The Clerk-Treasurer acts as chief financial officer of the City of Huntington.  Located in the City of Huntington’s business office, the Clerk-Treasurer handles a variety of duties for the city, including accounting, payroll, and budget management. In addition, the Clerk-Treasurer is the Secretary for the City Common Council and the Board of Public Works and Safety, preparing agendas and minutes.


The Communications Department works to engage with Huntington residents and keep them up to date on the important decisions made by their city government. We recognize that open communication is foundational to trust and crucial to our efforts to serve the Huntington community.

Get connected using the links below!

City News Blog

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#WeServeHuntington Digital Newsletter

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'Huntington Connect' Online 311

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Community Engagement

Learn about Neighborhood Alliances, Volunteer Opportunities and More!

Community Info

Programs, Activities & Events by Our Community Partners

Community Corrections

Mission Statement

The mission of Huntington County Community Corrections is to provide the local court system with alternative sentencing and to make the community a safer place through a balanced system of evidence-based practices and services to the offenders. Huntington County Community Corrections strives to provide a safe environment, effective management of offenders, and worthwhile programs for offenders that will assist them in life while providing them with an opportunity to maintain their family structure.

Vision Statement

The vision of Huntington County Community Corrections is to provide meaningful, affordable, cost effective alternatives to the offender population that instills individual accountability while redirecting behaviors using evidence-based practices to provide for successful re-integration into society.

Click Here to Pay Fees

Community Development (County)

Important Update

The Huntington County Commissioners passed Preliminary Resolution 2024-06 on Monday, April 29, 2024, in response to citizens' concerns and to further review the potential impacts of proposed solar projects in the county.

In addition, the Commissioners approved a Solar Moratorium at their July 1, 2024, meeting.

Please see the documents below for further detail:

    Our Vision Statement

    "To protect and enhance the quality of life of the citizens of Huntington County."

    Our Mission Statement

    Inform Decision Makers about planning, zoning, and building matters. Provide the best professional planning and building code advice. Offer accurate and detailed information, advantages and disadvantages, and the impacts of all developments.

    Inform the Public about planning, zoning, and building matters. Make the information on hand easily accessible. Keep the public informed of pending changes in planning, zoning, and building codes and regulations.

    Recognize that all citizens of Huntington County are our Customers. As such, the Department is committed to a high standard of Public Service, offering quality service to the citizens that visit the Department as well as those who do not.

    Provide for Equitable, Consistent, and Fair development. Inform the customer what they can do, not what they cannot do. Always be consistent in the information provided.

    Constantly Search for a Better Way by investigating improvements in services offered and how services are provided.

    Our Services

    DCD serves the unincorporated areas of Huntington County and the towns of Andrews, Markle, Mount Etna, Roanoke, and Warren.
    • Answer planning, zoning, building, and development questions
    • Review and issue building permits
    • Review all rezoning, special exception, variance, subdivision, development plan, and livestock operation applications that are filed
    • Prepare amendments to codes and ordinances to maintain compliance with state law
    • License electrical contractors
    • Conduct unsafe building inspections
    • Assign new house and building addresses
    • Serve as floodplain administrator for the county and towns
    • Update and maintain Comprehensive Plans for the county and towns

    Quick Links

    Important Notice

    Please contact the Department on the day of a scheduled meeting to see if it has been canceled. Often, meetings are canceled due to a lack of agenda items, especially the Town BZA meetings and Plat Committee meetings.

    Community Development & Redevelopment (City)

    The Community Development and Redevelopment Department is a full service land use and development department. The Department works alongside a number of other City Departments, elected officials, local partners and regional organizations to enhance the quality of life in our community, neighborhood by neighborhood, for everyone's benefit. This is accomplished through the oversight of development related activities within the jurisdiction of the City of Huntington, Indiana. Currently the jurisdiction includes all property located within the corporate limits of the City of Huntington.

    Planning and Zoning
    The Department works with the Plan Commission to implement the City's Comprehensive Plan, which guides the City's future growth and development.  The Zoning Code, Subdivision Code and other land use and development codes collectively translate the vision of the Comprehensive Plan through prescribed development standards.

    Building functions include the coordination of all facets of residential and commercial construction activity.  This includes the issuance of all construction related permits for work within the City's jurisdiction.  Projects and plans are reviewed for compliance with state and local Building Codes prior to permit issuance.  Conformance with applicable codes is further verified through regular inspections at various stages of construction.  The Department also responds to citizen complaints about unsafe structures and violations of minimum housing standards.

    Redevelopment functions include the promotion and implementation of projects that serve as a catalyst for economic development in blighted and underutilized areas as identified by the Redevelopment Commission.  The Department assists the Commission in the administration of the City's Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts and implementation of the Economic Development Plan.  Typically this involves partnering with private investors and developers to identify and overcome barriers to growth in order to help grow the tax base and create jobs.

    Mission Statement

    We Serve Huntington by providing honest, responsive and personalized service in order to enhance quality of life and foster growth by guiding physical development in conjunction with the City of Huntington Comprehensive Plan.

    Permitting Excellence Coalition Logo


    CDR Fee Schedule

    County Commissioners

    Commissioners Terry Stoffel, Rob Miller and Tom Wall

    The Huntington County Board of Commissioners (left to right):

    Terry Stoffel, Rob Miller and Tom Wall

    The Board of County Commissioners is the chief legislative body in Huntington County. The Commissioners meet every other Monday at 8:30 a.m. in Room 103A of the Huntington County Courthouse. Meeting dates are subject to change due to scheduled holidays or other scheduling conflicts.

    The three County Commissioners are elected to four-year terms by the voters of Huntington County and represent the geographical district in which they reside.

    Among their roles and responsibilities, the Commissioners maintain County roads and highways, set policies and procedures for County employees, support economic growth and development, and establish governmental policies to ensure the health, safety and welfare of Huntington County residents.

    Commissioner District Map

     District 1: Rob Miller 

     District 2: Terry Stoffel
    Vice President

     District 3: Tom Wall


    Public Meeting Center

    County Assessor

    The County Assessor's Office is responsible for:
    • Real Estate Assessment
    • Personal Property Assessment
    Property record cards and other public information can be found on our GIS-Beacon site.

    County Auditor

    Welcome to the Huntington County Auditor's Office website. This site is designed to provide you with information about our office and the services and resources available to you. It is the highest goal of our office to consistently provide professional and courteous service to the public in a timely manner.
    The County Auditor is a constitutional office holder elected by the vote of the county at large for a term of four years with prohibition against serving more than two consecutive terms.
    The Auditor is the Chief Financial Officer of the County. The staff is responsible for handling all receipts and disbursements of County funds, creating financial statements for the County, completing annual reports for review by the State Board of Accounts, and maintaining payroll for over 214 County employees.
    Additionally, the office handles all transfers of ownership of real property, preserves the plat maps of the County GIS system, maintains tax duplicates for all real, personal, mobile home, drainage and special assessment records, controls distributions of tax collections, special assessments, and special revenue collections for all units of government within Huntington County, and manages the filing of all applications for exemptions and deductions allowable by state statute.
    The Auditor is also Secretary to the County Council. All budgets, salary ordinances, additional appropriations, transfers, and abatement applications are submitted to Council for approval. The Auditor maintains the minutes of all County Council proceedings.

    County Clerk

    Thank you for visiting the County Clerk website. We are proud to serve Huntington County!

    Helpful Information and Important Functions in the Clerk's Office

    Elections Link

    Looking for election updates, voter registration info, polling locations and more?
    Click here!

    County Coroner

    The County Coroner has a wide variety of duties and responsibilities related to deaths that occur within the County.