Community Development & Redevelopment (City)

The Community Development and Redevelopment Department is a full service land use and development department. The Department works alongside a number of other City Departments, elected officials, local partners and regional organizations to enhance the quality of life in our community, neighborhood by neighborhood, for everyone's benefit. This is accomplished through the oversight of development related activities within the jurisdiction of the City of Huntington, Indiana. Currently the jurisdiction includes all property located within the corporate limits of the City of Huntington.

Planning and Zoning
The Department works with the Plan Commission to implement the City's Comprehensive Plan, which guides the City's future growth and development.  The Zoning Code, Subdivision Code and other land use and development codes collectively translate the vision of the Comprehensive Plan through prescribed development standards.

Building functions include the coordination of all facets of residential and commercial construction activity.  This includes the issuance of all construction related permits for work within the City's jurisdiction.  Projects and plans are reviewed for compliance with state and local Building Codes prior to permit issuance.  Conformance with applicable codes is further verified through regular inspections at various stages of construction.  The Department also responds to citizen complaints about unsafe structures and violations of minimum housing standards.

Redevelopment functions include the promotion and implementation of projects that serve as a catalyst for economic development in blighted and underutilized areas as identified by the Redevelopment Commission.  The Department assists the Commission in the administration of the City's Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts and implementation of the Economic Development Plan.  Typically this involves partnering with private investors and developers to identify and overcome barriers to growth in order to help grow the tax base and create jobs.

Mission Statement

We Serve Huntington by providing honest, responsive and personalized service in order to enhance quality of life and foster growth by guiding physical development in conjunction with the City of Huntington Comprehensive Plan.

Permitting Excellence Coalition Logo


CDR Fee Schedule