Frequently Asked Questions

1. I filed a new deed on my property, do I have to re-file my exemptions?
Answer: Since there is so many changes that can be made on a deed, it is near impossible to give a good answer for all.  If you make a deed change, you should always check on your exemptions.
2. I have refinanced my mortgage, do I have to re-file my exemptions?
Answer: If you refinance your property, you must re-file your mortgage exemption.
3. What are the deadlines for filing exemptions and what happens if I miss them?
Answer: Exemptions must be filed in the year the exemption is desired. (example file in 2010 for exemptions effective 2010 pay 2011). All exemptions have qualifications that must be met for the exemption to apply. Missing filing deadlines will move your exemption back one year.
4. What is a "Standard Deduction" and how do I apply?
Answer: The Standard Deduction is a part of the Homestead deduction and is given automatically when you apply for the Homestead Exemption.
5.Why do I have to file a sales disclosure when filing a property deed?
Answer: The Sales Disclosure form was created by the Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF) to comply with IC 6-1.1-5.5. The form is used by local assessing officials and the state for a variety of purposes including sales ratio studies, and annual market adjustments.
6. I don't think my property values are correct; who do I contact?
Answer: The County Assessor's Office.