Self-Service Legal Forms
The forms on the website are provided for your convenience. They do not explain the law and are not a substitute for legal representation.
Although the forms available on the website have been provided to help you represent yourself, you should know that certain courts have their own procedures and may not accept every form.
Before going to court, you should always seek advice from a lawyer, including having a lawyer review your forms before you file them.
The Clerk's office staff cannot offer legal advice.
All completed forms and appropriate number of copies should be brought to the Clerk's office for filing.
Cash or Credit/Debit Card payment only.
Huntington County Courthouse
201 N Jefferson St
Huntington IN 46750
Circuit Court, Rm 201
Superior Court, Rm 201
Contact Us
Shelley Septer,
- Phone: (260) 358-4867
- Fax:
(260) 358-4880 - Staff Directory
- Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday