2024 County Council Committee Appointments
Community Correction Committee: Brian Warpup and Terry Miller
Solid Waste: Peyton Miller
3A Regional Development: John Stoeckley
Job Classification & Compensation: John Stoeckley, Keith Eller, and Brian Warpup
LACE (Local Anti-Drug Coalition Effort): Shane Bickel
Lime City Development: Terry Miller
Emergency Management: Keith Eller
Plan Commission: Terry Miller
CEDIT Advisory: Peyton Miller
HCUED: Kendall Mickley
ABCD (Above the Call of Duty): Keith Eller
Tax Abatement Review: John Stoeckley
WHARMM: Peyton Miller
Commissioner Health Insurance Advisory: Keith Eller
EMS Advisory Council: Peyton Miller
HCPSD: Kendall Mickley
Internal Controls: Kendall Mickley & Auditor Jill Landrum
Redevelopment Commission: Terry Miller and John Stoeckley
Contact Us
Jill Landrum,