Calling 911

911 is for police, fire, or medical emergencies, when immediate action is required, someone's health, safety, or property is endangered, or a crime is in progress.

If you are not sure what you are reporting is an emergency, dial 9-1-1. Dispatchers will help determine if immediate action is required or if you should hang-up and dial the non-emergency line.

When it is appropriate to call 911:

  • Did you witness a crime?
  • Are you a victim of a crime?
  • Do you see a fire?
  • Are you or someone you know having a medical situation?
  • Do you smell a gas odor or hear a leak?
  • To report severe weather (tornado, funnel clouds)
  • To report damage from severe weather

DO NOT call 911 for non-emergencies such as lost pets or nuisance issues. Calling 911 for a non-emergency situation ties up important lifelines meant for people or property in immediate danger. Calling 911 for a non-emergency matter will not result in a faster response. Dispatchers cannot transfer you to a non-emergency line. You will be asked to hang-up and dial the 10-digit non-emergency line directly.

Cell Phones and 911
Cell phones provide a unique challenge for dispatchers today, as it accelerates the number of calls received on any given incident. Cell phones provide the dispatcher with limited information as to the callers location and at times calls are misrouted to a neighboring community. Here are some tips to remember when traveling or commuting:

  • Observe what road you are traveling on.
  • Know the route of travel planned.
  • Look for landmarks.
  • Watch the road signs including mile markers, road names, and upcoming towns.