Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area

A map of Downtown Huntington

What is a DORA?

A Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA) allows patrons 21 years and older to purchase alcoholic beverages from approved businesses within the DORA and carry them outside to be consumed within the DORA’s boundaries. Beverages may be taken around the designated DORA, either while relaxing outdoors, enjoying one of the many downtown events or while shopping at retailers permitting DORA beverages in their businesses.

Why a DORA?

Many cities have already taken advantage of the Indiana legislation allowing them to establish a DORA. The city’s goal is to facilitate a vibrant setting that promotes economic development and enhances the overall downtown experience.

Benefits of a DORA?

  • Boost Tourism in the Downtown
  • New Revenue Source for Restaurants and Bars
  • Increased Revenue and Spending in Retailers within the DORA Boundaries
  • Boost to Local Economy via Increase in Food & Beverage Tax Revenue
  • Easier Process for Organizations Hosting Downtown Events in the DORA

Downtown Business FAQs

Do I need to post a sign?

  • We will require posting of signs by retailer permittees that are participating in the DORA so that a person will know whether they can enter the business with an open container of alcohol. Non-participating business owners will have the option to place a sign indicating whether DORA is allowed.

What cups will we use?

  • Details are coming soon about designated DORA cups. We will hold a design contest for a DORA logo to utilize on the designated cups.

Can people enter or leave my business with alcoholic beverages?

  • A Designated Permittee or a Vendor may allow a person to exit their premises into the DORA with not more than two (2) open alcoholic beverages.

What are the fill limits of the beverages?

  • Beer or flavored malt beverages: up to sixteen (16) ounces.
  • Wine, cider, or a premixed cocktail up to twelve (12) ounces.
  • Liquor or a liquor-based cocktail: up to ten (10) ounces, including up to two (2) ounces of liquor.

Can outside drinks be brought into a DORA?

  • A person may not consume an alcoholic beverage in public areas of the DORA that was purchased outside of the DORA.

Can a business in a DORA refuse to allow alcoholic beverages onto their property?

  • A business located in a DORA may, on a nondiscriminatory basis, refuse to allow persons to enter their business with an alcoholic beverage.

Are there any timing requirements to the DORA, or is it 24/7?

  • Huntington's DORA will only be activated between noon and midnight during approved special events. 
  • Event organizers can inquire about activating DORA for their event by calling (260) 356-1400 ext. 2000 or emailing

If I choose to opt out, can I later opt in? (and vice versa)

  • Yes, you may opt in or opt out of participation.

How would a new Designated Permittee apply?

  • You must fill out and file State Form 57288.
  • You must request to appear before Huntington City Council for local approval.
  • Both the City and the Indiana Alcohol and Tobacco Commission (ATC) must approve a Designated Permittee.

Who is the City’s main contact person for DORA processes, questions, etc.?