DORA: When & Where

Logo for Huntington Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area

Huntington DORA is activated ONLY during approved special events. On those days, DORA hours are noon to midnight, which may vary from event hours. Scroll to the bottom of this page for a list of approved events and dates!

What is a DORA?

A Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA) allows patrons 21 years and older to purchase alcoholic beverages from approved alcoholic beverage permittees within the DORA and carry them outside to be consumed within the DORA’s boundaries.

Patrons may only purchase alcoholic beverages through establishments licensed through the Alcohol & Tobacco Commission, and the alcoholic beverage must be consumed from a designated DORA cup sold from the participating approved permittee within the DORA boundaries.


Participating Vendors

Legends Sports Bar
19 E. Market St.

Big Daddy's
20 E. Market St.

Market Street Bar
39 E. Market St.

Wise Guys Downtown
435 Cherry St.

Map & Locations

Map of Huntington DORA boundary and approved vendors

Please Remember

  • Any open container of alcohol purchased within the DORA must remain within the DORA.

  • Possession of an open container of an alcoholic beverage in a motor vehicle may constitute a class C infraction under IC 9-30-15.

  • The Huntington DORA shall be in effect during all authorized times pursuant to Indiana Code 7.1-3-1-14 as amended from time to time by the Indiana General Assembly. Specifically, when in effect, the Huntington DORA Hours will be from noon until midnight, during approved special events only, through the City’s Board of Public Works & Safety.

Note: All State of Indiana and City of Huntington laws regarding underage drinking, public intoxication, impaired driving and open containers apply to areas both inside and outside of the Huntington DORA boundaries.

Please drink responsibly.