Precinct Summary Report EMS 11/27/2012 03:39:32   Huntington County, Indiana 2012 General Election Election Date: 11/6/2012 23-HUNTINGTON 9 M- # OF Machine Ballots 350 A- # OF Absentee Ballots 55 PRECINCT STATUS: REPORTED 0 P- # OF Provisional Ballots 405  PUBLIC COUNT: 773  REGISTERED VOTERS: 52.39% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VOTES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M A P TOTAL %      
VOTES= 399       President And Vice-President VOTE FOR 1
208 32 0 240 60.15% Romney-Ryan (R)
126 21 0 147 36.84% Obama-Biden (D)
10 1 0 11 2.76% Johnson-Gray (L)
1 0 0 1 0.25% Write-In
VOTES= 385       United States Senator VOTE FOR 1
174 25 0 199 51.69% Richard E Mourdock (R)
123 25 0 148 38.44% Joe Donnelly (D)
33 4 0 37 9.61% Andrew "Andy" Horning (L)
1 0 0 1 0.26% Write-In
VOTES= 395       Governor And Lieutenant Governor VOTE FOR 1
194 29 0 223 56.46% Pence-Ellspermann (R)
137 26 0 163 41.27% Gregg-Simpson (D)
9 0 0 9 2.28% Boneham-Klopfenstein (L)
0 0 0 0 0.00% Write-In
VOTES= 382       Attorney General VOTE FOR 1
211 34 0 245 64.14% Greg Zoeller (R)
118 19 0 137 35.86% Kay Fleming (D)
VOTES= 383       Superintendent of Public Inst VOTE FOR 1
174 29 0 203 53.00% Tony Bennett (R)
156 24 0 180 47.00% Glenda Ritz (D)
VOTES= 386       US Representative District 3 VOTE FOR 1
230 37 0 267 69.17% Marlin A. Stutzman (R)
102 17 0 119 30.83% Kevin R. Boyd (D)
0 0 0 0 0.00% Write-in
VOTES= 385       State Representative District 50 VOTE FOR 1
229 34 0 263 68.31% (Dan) Daniel J. Leonard (R)
103 19 0 122 31.69% Mike Wallin (D)
VOTES= 308       Judge of the Circuit Court 56th VOTE FOR 1
268 40 0 308 100.00% Thomas M. Hakes (R)
VOTES= 308       County Treasurer VOTE FOR 1
269 39 0 308 100.00% Brenda Hamilton (R)
VOTES= 313       County Coroner VOTE FOR 1
273 40 0 313 100.00% Philip Zahm (R)
VOTES= 306       County Commissioner District 2 VOTE FOR 1
269 37 0 306 100.00% Larry D. Buzzard (R)
VOTES= 383       County Commissioner District 3 VOTE FOR 1
170 31 0 201 52.48% Tom Wall (R)
161 21 0 182 47.52% Kenneth A. (Kenny) Zuk (D)
VOTES= 757       County Council At Large VOTE FOR 3
243 35 0 278 36.72% Shane Bickel (R)
205 28 0 233 30.78% John E. Hacker (R)
215 31 0 246 32.50% Jaime M. Miller (R)
VOTES= 348       School Board District 7 VOTE FOR 1
131 25 0 156 44.83% Rex E. Baxter
172 20 0 192 55.17% J. Ryan Wall
VOTES= 319       IN Supreme Court-David VOTE FOR 1
196 22 0 218 68.34% Yes
87 14 0 101 31.66% No
VOTES= 310       IN Supreme Court-Rucker VOTE FOR 1
189 23 0 212 68.39% Yes
86 12 0 98 31.61% No
VOTES= 318       Court of Appeals-Vaidik VOTE FOR 1
210 26 0 236 74.21% Yes
72 10 0 82 25.79% No
Straight Party Summary Information Democratic Party 40 Libertarian Party 0 Republican Party 69
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