Posted March 29, 2021

20210329 HPD New Officer

New Huntington Police Officer Carren Franke (second from right) is joined by her sister, Arren, and their parents, Lisa and Warren Franke, following a swearing-in ceremony Monday at the Huntington City Building.

HUNTINGTON – A Roanoke native became the Huntington Police Department’s newest officer when she was sworn in to duty during a ceremony Monday morning.

Carren Franke is a 2020 graduate of the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy and had worked for the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department since 2019.

Huntington Mayor Richard Strick began the ceremony, held in City Council Chambers on the third floor of the Huntington City Building, by reminding Franke and other officers in attendance that the Huntington community holds them to a higher standard.

“We have the utmost confidence you will meet and exceed those standards,” he said.

Police Chief Chad Hacker spoke next, describing Franke as dependable, hard-working and caring – all traits the Huntington Police Department looks for in its officers.

“You are now part of a special team,” Chief Hacker told her. “ … We have a wonderful relationship with the community and work hard every day to maintain those relationships.”

Huntington City Clerk Christy McElhaney administered the Oath of Office to Franke with her sister, Arren, holding the ceremonial Bible and their parents, Warren and Lisa Franke, in attendance.

Franke graduated from Homestead High School in 2012 before attending Indiana State University, where she obtained a private pilot license. She later attended Purdue-Fort Wayne and graduated with a degree in Dental Laboratory Technology.

“We all welcome you to the Huntington Police Department and look forward to working with you,” Chief Hacker said.