Posted Tuesday, November 14, 2023.

Health Department Distributes Health First Indiana Funding to Local Organizations

20231114 HAT

Huntington Area Transportation will receive $100,000 to increase drivers, routes and medical trips for Huntington County residents.

HUNTINGTON – Having opted into the Health First Indiana Fund this summer, the Huntington County Health Department has announced $175,500 in funding to five local organizations through the program.

Huntington County Council on Aging will receive $100,000 to increase drivers, routes and medical trips for Huntington Area Transportation.

“Our number one issue in Huntington County limiting access to clinical care and access to services is transportation,” said Dr. Matt Pflieger, Huntington County’s public health officer.

The Boys and Girls Club of Huntington County will receive $20,500 for an evidence-based drug and alcohol prevention program geared toward middle- and high-schoolers.

Pathfinder Kids Campus will receive $25,000 to fund its sick clinic and a nurse position supporting lead testing and children’s vaccinations.

United with Love will receive $15,000 for chronic disease prevention services and maternal/infant health support. The organization also is looking to expand its presence into more Huntington County towns.

The Indiana Family Care Center will receive $15,000 to support its maternal and infant services in conjunction with the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) nutrition program.

"The Health First Indiana funding from the state is a real investment into the health of Huntington County. Our health outcomes are behind national averages which has real implications on quality of life, health care costs and the economic health of our county. The Health Department looks to be a leader in promoting health and partnering with the community to make that vision real for everyone in Huntington County,” Public Health Officer Dr. Matt Pflieger said in July.

Health First Indiana is a state program making $225 million available to county health departments across Indiana over two years. The local health department could receive as much as $1 million in that timeframe to bolster core health services in Huntington County.